Terms of Service
Updated on 5 Apr 20241. Copyright
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6. Cancellation and Refund Policy
You may cancel your subscription at any time by contacting our customer support team. Cancellation requests should be made before the next renewal date to avoid being charged for the next billing cycle.
Refunds are not applicable to subscribers who violate the terms of service and/or commenting terms & conditions as stated in article 7 below. Blacklisted or banned subscribers can still access and continue reading Malaysiakini news in full until their paid subscription period expires.
Refunds are also not applicable for any unused or remaining portions of subscriptions if it is cancelled after a certain period has lapsed. Subscribers will, however, be able to access and continue reading Malaysiakini news in full until their paid subscription period expires.
The current subscription package value is RM20 per month.
The minimum subscription period is 3 months – at RM60.
An admin fee of RM10 is applied for refunds.
Below are examples of the refund process where applicable:
The 3-month subscription package is offered at a non-discounted rate of RM60. In the event you request a refund, we will refund for the remaining balance months of your paid subscription.
For example, if you have used up your subscription for 2 months and then later request a refund:
Total used subscription value = RM20 x 2 months = RM40
Total refund = RM60(Total Paid Value) – RM40(Total used) – RM10(Admin Fee) = RM10
The 1-year subscription package is offered at a discounted rate of RM200. In the event you request a refund, you will lose the discounted offer and the charges will be calculated with the original rate of RM20 per month and not RM17 (RM200/12 months). We will refund the remaining balance months of your paid subscription.
For example, if you have used up your subscription for 5 months and then later request a refund:
Total used subscription value = RM20 x 5 months = RM100
Total refund = RM200(Total Paid Value) – RM100(Total used) – RM10(Admin Fee) = RM90
The 3-year subscription package is offered at a discounted rate of RM450. In the event you request a refund, you will lose the discounted offer and the charges will be calculated with the original rate of RM20 per month and not RM12.50 (RM450/36 months). We will refund the remaining balance months of your paid subscription.
For example, if you have used up your subscription for 24 months and then later request a refund:
Total used subscription value = RM20 x 24 months = RM480
Total paid = RM450
Since the total used value exceeds the total paid value, the refund is not applicable.
Refunds are not applicable for subscriptions purchased with special discounts or promotions. This includes Senior Citizen / Student / Institutional or Promo Codes usage.
We reserve the right to terminate your subscription if we believe you have violated these Terms and Conditions. Termination may result in the forfeiture of any remaining subscription period without a refund.
If you have any questions, concerns, or need assistance with your subscription, please contact our customer support team via email at subscribe@malaysiakini.com, reach out to us via WhatsApp or call us at +60 17-323 0707
7. Commenting Terms and Conditions
While Malaysiakini has always endeavoured to protect our subscribers from bona fide attempts to invade their privacy, we regret that we are unable to extend this privilege if they are in clear breach of the law and for which the authorities are pursuing action. We, therefore, very strongly advise all our subscribers to strictly abide by our guidelines when commenting to avoid prosecution.
All comments are linked to your Malaysiakini subscription profile which we reserve the right to disclose to law enforcement agencies should they require it for valid purposes. In the past, Malaysiakini had refused to divulge the identity of our contributors, resulting in police raids and computers seized. We will continue this policy. However, there may be exceptions to this.
Malaysiakini encourages readers to comment and maintain a community where everyone feels free to express themselves but we also recognise that some conversations following articles can lead to:
- violent, obscene, profane, hateful and defamatory comments
- disclosure of personal information such as address or phone number
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- comments that suggest or encourage illegal activity
- multiple successive off-topic posts by a single user
- repetitive posts copied and pasted by multiple users
When these happen, we reserve the right to close and/or remove the comments on those articles.
Name-calling, profanity, obscene abbreviations or alphabets followed by dashes or punctuation symbols, personal attacks, impersonation and antisocial behaviour such as spamming and trolling will not be allowed
Violators run the risk of being blocked permanently. You are fully responsible for the content you post. Be civil. As a general guide, place your comments as family-friendly as possible.
Refrain from abusive comments, foul language, vulgar, slanderous, threatening, or sexually-orientated comments or the use of any other method of communication that may violate any law or create needless unpleasantness. Such actions will result in a ban.
If you feel that your comment has been unfairly rejected or that you have been banned from commenting without just cause, kindly send us an email at editor@malaysiakini.com stating your reasons why the decision should be reviewed.
An editorial team member will then consider your appeal. We cannot edit a comment once it is posted. Comments are either approved or rejected.
Only paying subscribers can post comments. Depending on your area’s bandwidth usage, there may be a delay before a posted comment appears. Please comment only in Bahasa Malaysia and English for Malaysiakini’s Malay and English sites. Avoid using vernacular languages or their romanised versions.
We reserve the right to display our readers’ comments in our “Yoursay” articles which are a pick of comments of the day according to a topic.
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For longer comments, please send them as an article or a ‘Letter to the Editor’ to editor@malaysiakini.com
Read our general FAQ section here.
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